Sunday 12 September 2010

you're my friend :)

Okay, to be honest the title that I thought before was 'boyfriend/girlfriend'
I don't know why I'm writing about this but, yeah, I'll try to type all the things that comes up into my mind about this matter.

In the crowd that I hang out with, being in a relationship is a common thing
every time I meet up with an old friend, he or she will ask about my current status,
or 'do you have boyfriend?'

Hmm, I would love to just tape their mouth shut, cause it's irritating in some way
do I need to have that?
does it necessary?
do I need to have a boyfriend in order to make proud of myself?
the answer is a big NO, thanks.

Okay maybe in some times I feel, wow will I be happier and content if I have boyfriend by my side?
I was then shook my head.
Yes I feel a tug in my heart when I see my couple friends, they look so happy, lovey-dovey, and sometimes look idiot... in my eyes :P
I never been in official relationship so I don't know what will happen to me, will I look like them as well?
the thing is, it never crossed in my mind, having that kind of relationship

Yes I have male friends,
when I get closer to them, I prefer being their sister.
knowing what they are, how they are, so yeah an-addition-to-my-brother-list :P

Funny thing is even my family kinda encourage me to have a boyfriend
I was like 'Mom...'
except my dad and my brother, I think
they never said anything about that, and I bet they don't really like that idea
they'll scream their lungs out
cause I'm like miles away from them, I'm a girl, no family around me, and being in a relationship?... no, thanks

Are there any guys that came to me? well it's a secret :P
but in the end, all I say is 'you're my friend'

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