I randomly lurked on the biggest net forum in Indonesia
(you know what I mean :P)
and I stumbled on this thread, about sleeping pattern
which time is good, bad, best sleeping position, etc.
And I read something about, don't sleep at certain time
cause you'll lose half of your consciousness
I was like, hmm... interesting
cause I knew that we are forbid to sleep at that time, but I didn't know anything about this
So long story....... I ended lounging on my bed
it was comfy, but cold cause it was raining outside and the heater wasn't on -.-
then...... I fell asleep
I had weird dreams (emphasis on the dreams)
I cannot say it cause it related to my friends, well... weird stuffs about them -.-
I feel sooo tired now, even when I was typing this I wasn't fully conscious
and also something weird happened
I believed I was in a deep sleep, very very deep
but I heard this knocking sound from outside
couple of times, and each time I could literally counted how many he or she did it
my room is next to the front door (the only room), so I was thinking... why don't they knock at my window to notice that somebody is outside?
I got up, tried to find my glasses and my hairpin, I stumbled along the way cause my eyelids were heavy to find my slippers
When I got out, nobody was there
I believe I heard it, very clearly, as clear as I listen to Dolby Surround Sound
it took me few minutes to realize the situation and my poor condition
(messy hair, wore slippers in vice-versa way, etc)
I wonder...
I checked the time and it was, few, minutes before 6 pm
I was like... I wonder if 'something' woke me up to prevent this further
cause my alarm is sucks anyway, I am never wake up cause of my alarm
it could be, right? who knows?
well, I believe Allah knows it, very very well
I was like, subhanallah... alhamdulillah I could still awake and do what I have to do
Whatever that was, I am grateful
I won't do it again... inshallah
One of my weird experience abroad
I won't forget it and, of course, I learnt something from it
P.S : what a beautiful Sunday today :)
spring do come true~~~